• Welcome

    Thanks for stopping by.

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    About our research team

    Our research team values collaboration, sharing expertise, seeing new perspectives, and having fun while doing great science. Our projects often center on conservation decision-making, disease ecology, and/or herpetology but we work across systems and questions. Depending on the project, we use a variety of approaches (e.g., field, lab, simulation, computational) to answer questions.


    We strive to cultivate a lab culture where we can support one another and grow as scientists and people. If you're interested in joining our research team, check out the information on these pages (especially the Grad School Info page, for prospective graduate students) and then be in touch!



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    Recent news:

    August 2024 - The lab wecomes new memebers Sam and Ben. Sam's research currently focuses on studying temperature sensitive disease dynamics in amphibian populations. Ben is a visiting Ph.D. student from UCLA whose work focuses on migratory bird populations on zonotic disease transmission. Welcome Sam and Ben!


    July 2024 - Anila received the PARC Increasing Professional Advancement (PIPA) Award. Great work, Anila!


    May 2024 - Lab members Destini and Carolyn defended their theses. Way to go!


    April 2024 - Destini was presented with an Outstanding Graduate Student Award by UVM's Moaic center. Congratulations, Destini!


    October 2023 - Destini Acosta presented her research progress as part of the Lake Champlain Sea Grant webinar series. Nice work, Destini! The video of the presentation is here.


    May 2023 - Eamon Caffrey successfully defended his Honors Thesis! Congratulations, Eamon! Check out the news story here.


    April 2023 - Destini Acosta was an invited keynote speaker at the Burlington City Nature Celebration. Elise presented her research at the Northeast Natural History Conference. Way to go, Destini and Elise!


    February 2023 - Lab members Carolyn Hanrahan and Matt Gorton were awarded funds to support their research, from the Rubenstein School and the Lake Champlain Basin Program, respectively. Great job and congratulations!


    January 2023 - The WERL welcomes Anila, a new MS student, who will be conducting research on spotted turtles!


    December 2022 - Brittany Mosher and partner Gabe welcomed their first child, Iris. Welcome, Iris!


    September 2022 - Destini Acosta's research was featured by Lake Champlain Sea Grant: https://www.uvm.edu/seagrant/news/spiny-softshell-turtle-nesting-habitat-restoration-lake-champlain-shores. Way to go, Destini!


    September 2022 - Lab member Riley Mummah and partner Bryant welcomed their first child, Emerson. Congratulations, Riley and Bryant! Welcome, Emerson!


    September 2022 - Congratulations to Matt, Destini, Reed, Val, and Nicole on excellent field seasons! Many thanks for all of your hard work this summer.


    September 2022 - The WERL welcomes Carolyn, a new MS student, who will be conducting research on coyote diets!


    August 2022 - Brittany went to the field with collaborators Luke Groff (Vermont Fish and Wildlife) and Kiley Briggs (The Orianne Society) to film a spot with WCAX on Vermont's rarest turtle - the spotted turtle - and a recent grant we received. Check it out here: https://www.wcax.com/2022/08/02/wildlife-watch-scientists-try-spot-rare-spotted-turtle/


    August 2022 - Lab member Reed Scott competed in the Vermont Sun Triathlon - his first race post-hip surgery. Congratulations, Reed!


    August 2022 - Lab members Matt Gorton and Elise Edwards are presenting their research on wildlife crossing structures and northern cricket frog declines at the NEPARC meeting. Way to go, team!


    April 2022: Lab member Matt Gorton and wife Hannah welcomed their first child, Charlotte. Congratulations, Matt and Hannah, and welcome, Charlotte!




    Here are the wonderful people that make our lab unique

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    Brittany Mosher, Ph.D. (she/her)

    I work with my students to use a variety of approaches to answer questions rooted in applied population ecology, conservation biology, and disease ecology. My work often involves developing or using quantitative tools to help managers and conservationists make decisions in an uncertain world. I am an Assistant Professor in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont.


    I love to garden and experiment in the kitchen.

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    Anila Kalonia (she/her)

    M.S. student

    I am broadly interested in conservation biology, especially in developing tools and conducting work that directly informs wildlife managers. My current project focuses on spotted turtle conservation in Vermont. Specifically, I will be creating a habitat suitability model and refining eDNA sampling methods to help biologists locate unknown populations. My hope is that my work will effectively identify important spotted turtle habitat and improve detection methods of freshwater turtle species.


    In my free time, I enjoy climbing rocks, exploring the outdoors, and checking out different thrift stores.

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    Rosy Metcalfe (she/they)

    M.S. student at Antioch University

    As a former clinical social worker turned conservation biologist, I am interested in how humans can affect the ecology of aquatic and terrestrial wildlife communities. Currently, I am using novel methods, including multi-level artificial cover object surveys and blood concentration analysis of neonicotinoid-class pesticides, to study the effects of land-management practices on small-bodied snake communities in Vermont. The results of this research will inform the conservation management practices for snake species in Vermont, particularly the increasingly rare Smooth Greensnake.


    In my free time, I enjoy exploring the woods on two wheels, paddling around bog mats, backcountry skiing with my partner, Will, and snuggling with Rocky, the rescue dog, and Dwight, the rescue snake.


    photo credit: Kiley Briggs


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    Matthew Gorton (he/him)

    Ph.D. student

    I am extremely interested in the dynamics of ecosystems, especially in regard to wetland and aquatic habitats; using occupancy modeling to determine important variables for occupancy for various species of amphibians and reptiles, studying the impact road mortality has on turtle populations, and exploring how reptiles and amphibians move throughout the landscape.


    I really enjoy building tables, cutting boards, and pretty much anything out of wood.

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    Ph.D. student

    My research interests are currently focused on the interaction between disease prevalence and biodiversity. Specifically, how can the species composition of a community affect disease prevalence? In systems where a single pathogen can infect multiple host species, each species is likely to vary in its reaction to infection. That variation can lead to some species becoming “reservoir hosts” which are able to tolerate infection, while other more susceptible hosts may decline to the point of extirpation. As such, the ability of a disease to persist in a community can depend on the identity of hosts present, as well as total biodiversity and relative abundance of each species. My hope is that by improving our knowledge of disease dynamics, we can better inform management and conservation efforts, specifically regarding re-introduction efforts.


    In my free time I enjoy games of all kinds, hiking, biking, running, and trying out different kinds of teas.

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    Annabelle Stanley (she/her)

    Ph.D. Student

    I am interested in applied research that focuses on conservation and management (i.e., Structured Decision Making and Adaptive
    Resource Management). I enjoy working on decision problems with spatial
    processes and uncertainty. I am currently working on framing proactive
    responses to CWD for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.

    I spend most of my free time outside biking, hiking, or swimming and enjoy playing board/card games with friends.

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    Sam Troast (she/they)

    Ph.D. student

    My areas of interest include herpetology, population and disease ecology, conservation biology, land use change, and climate change biology. My research has focused on modeling non-native species distributions, including occupancy and detectability. Currently, I am studying temperature sensitive disease dynamics within amphibian populations.


    In my free time, I enjoy hiking with my dog, kayaking, skiing, and doing crossword puzzles.

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    Ben Tonelli (he/him)

    Visiting Graduate Researcher (Ph.D. Candidate at UCLA)

    My general interest is in using ecological "big data" to answer questions related to the ecology of birds. Specifically, I'm interested in the role of migratory birds in zoonotic disease transmission. Although there are certain research areas that I find particularly interesting (e.g. disease ecology, phenological responses to climate change), I consider myself a generalist and enjoy designing quantitative approaches to answer interesting questions from a wider range of research areas. In addition to my primary research, I create tools for non-scientists (particularly birdwatchers) to engage with my science.


    Outside of work I enjoy running and doing assorted outdoor things. I also make bagels.


    Website: bentonelli.github.io


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    Grace Rosebrook (she/her)

    Undergraduate Student

    I am a junior at UVM who is studying Environmental Science and Zoology. My research involves conservation of nesting habitats for the Spiny Softshell turtle. I focus on finding new potential nesting sites for this species through the use of a habitat scorecard that I developed. With the research of former graduate student Destini Acosta, I have been able to work with the Winooski Valley Park District, Lake Champlain Land Trust, and Vermont Fish and Wildlife in their outreach efforts.


    In my free time I enjoy nature photography, finding new recipies, and spending time outdoors!

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    Our Lab Alumni

    Lab Alumni

    Past MS Students: Lindsey Pekurny (graduated in May 2022), Destini Acosta (graduated in May 2024), Carolyn Hanrahan (graduated in May 2024)


    Past Postdoctoral Researchers: Dr. Elias Rosenblatt, Dr. Riley Mummah


    Past Undergraduate Researchers: Rhia Henderson (graduated in Spring 2020), Eamon Caffrey (graduated in Spring 2023), Jess Fish (graduated in Spring 2024),

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    Where are they now? Here's where a few of our alumni are now!

    Elise Edwards is now a Wildlife Biologist with the Northeast Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative.


    Lindsey Pekurny (she/her) graduated with her MS in Spring 2022. Lindsey now teaches middle school science in southern Vermont.


    Dr. Riley Mummah is now a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow with the USGS.


    Eamon Caffrey now works for MassAudubon.



    Our science is motivated by applied research questions, though the findings often have broad ecological implications. We use carefully designed field studies, laboratory experiments, and model-based techniques to make sense of complicated systems.

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    Understanding species distributions

    Where do we find populations, and why?

    Studying populations in flux gives us an opportunity to learn what our world might look like in the future. Some changes happen quickly, for instance when populations are exposed to a novel pathogen. Other changes might be more gradual, as processes like competition or climate slowly cause shifts in species ranges. Whether studying an invader, a population under siege, or a community of species, we can use a variety of tools to understand why populations are shifting and what we might be able to do about it.

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    Supporting decision-makers

    Working closely with resource managers yields important insights about the complexities of management decision-making. Developing frameworks that identify plausible management actions for meeting objectives can streamline conservation action. Recently, we have worked on identifying optimal management strategies in amphibian disease systems, which may involve translocations and reintroductions. We are also engaged in modeling efforts to better understand how to use imperfect diagnostic data for emerging wildlife pathogens and to understand how to respond to recent SARS-CoV-2 transmission events in wildlife species.

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    Disease ecology

    Amphibian disease dynamics

    Amphibians worldwide are declining at unprecedented rates. An invasive fungus is one culprit, but other pathogens are also contributing to these declines. We're currently studying how amphibian community composition and wetland spatial arrangement can influence processes like disease transmission and prevalence.


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    For a list of past and current publications, see my GoogleScholar profile page here.


  • Prospective Students

    Interested in joining the lab? Check out the information below.

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    Current Openings

    We are currently advertising for a Ph.D. student to join our research team! The position, funded by the National Science Foundation, focuses on using a combination of field studies, laboratory studies, and models to understand how temperature interacts with pathogen growth, host immune function, and host behavior to result in temperature-sensitive disease dynamics. If you are interested, please check out the position description here and apply by December 15, 2023.

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    Undergraduate Students

    If you're a motivated undergraduate student interested in gaining research experience, let's discuss your research interests and whether they might be a good fit for my lab. We seasonally hire research technicians for summer work and also have had students conduct independent research through the UVM SURF Program. If you're interested in discussing options, please send me a resume and short email describing your interests. Students with interests in amphibians, disease ecology, and field work in conjunction with learning statistical modeling skills are especially welcome to reach out.

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    Graduate Students and Postdocs

    As graduate and postdoctoral positions become available I will post them here as well as on several job boards including the Texas A&M Wildlife Job Board.


    You can learn more about the application process on the Rubenstein School graduate program webpage and on the Grad School Info page of this very website. In addition, I welcome inquiries from students and scholars who are interested in applying for funding (e.g., NSF GRFP) and who are highly self-motivated.


    Not sure how to navigate graduate school or if it is right for you? I've compiled some information on the graduate school process here.

  • What’s the deal with graduate school?

    I’m so glad that you asked. The graduate school admissions process differs greatly from the undergraduate admissions process, so no worries if it is confusing to you right now. I’m hoping that this page will demystify the process and terminology. I presented much of this information in special session for UVM undergraduates. That presentation can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jul1MOc2HOU.


    First, what IS graduate school? Well, in the ecological sciences, it’s an umbrella term that captures a variety of program types that lead post-undergraduate degrees. Typically, those programs lead to either Master of Science (MS) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.


    MS versus Ph.D. programs. MS and Ph.D. programs differ in a couple of important ways. First, a Ph.D. program is (typically) longer (4-6 years) than a MS program (2-3 years). Second, the Ph.D. often comes with more creative license and responsibility than the MS. In my research group, this means that Ph.D. students are expected to develop some of their own research questions and studies and handle some administrative work (e.g., hiring assistants, submitting IACUC protocols), while MS students may already have core research topics outlined for them and will have more support in learning the ropes of developing a research project. Some Ph.D. programs or research groups suggest (or even require) that Ph.D. applicants already have a MS degree.


    Types of programs. First, what type of graduate program are you interested in? There are several different types of graduate programs. They operate differently, and this is one source of confusion. I’ll summarize three general types below that we often see in the ecological sciences, but even more program types might exist.

    1. Course- or project-based degrees (typically MS only): Course- or project-based graduate degrees allow students to develop new skills in areas of interest. These programs, as the name implies, typically focus on coursework and do not have a research component or thesis/dissertation. One example is the GIS Master’s degree offered by Penn State, where students can take online courses to expand their GIS skills: https://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/degrees-and-certificates/geographic-information-systems-gis-masters/overview. Another example is Colorado State University’s Plan C MS degree, which consists mainly of online coursework and targets natural resources professionals who are looking to expand their training and to bring new skills back to the workplace. https://catalog.colostate.edu/general-catalog/colleges/natural-resources/fish-wildlife-conservation-biology/plan-c-mfwcb/.
    2. Professional science degrees (typically MS only): Professional science programs (“PSMs”) often combine coursework and workplace-specific skills to train students for non-research professions. These programs do not typically have a research component or thesis/dissertation. For example, Colorado State University’s PSM in Zoo, Aquarium, and Animal Shelter Management gives students the skills and hands-on experience they would need to excel in various animal care industries: https://www.biology.colostate.edu/psm-in-zoo-aquarium-and-animal-shelter-management/. The University of Wisconsin – Stout has a PSM in Conservation Biology https://www.uwstout.edu/programs/psm-conservation-biology.
    3. Research-based graduate programs (both MS and Ph.D.): Research-based graduate programs are perhaps the most common type of graduate program in the ecological sciences. In this type of program, students conduct research, write a thesis (for MS) or dissertation (for Ph.D.), and complete coursework requirements. The program that I am a part of at the University of Vermont’s Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources is one such program: https://www.uvm.edu/rsenr/graduate_programs.

    So you’re interested in pursuing a research-based graduate degree? If so, read on.

    The rest of this article focuses on details about research-based graduate programs because that is the type of program that I am affiliated with at UVM. We’ll cover a few points that folks commonly as questions about:

    • How does funding work?
    • What is a TA versus an RA?
    • How do I find positions?
    • How do I apply?
    • Should I reach out to faculty I’m interested in working with? How?
    • What advice do you have?

    How does funding work? Did you know that most research-based degrees in ecology are funded, meaning that you may be paid a basic living stipend and/or tuition and/or health insurance? When I was an undergraduate student, I didn’t know this! The fact that many graduate programs are funded made graduate school possible for me.


    In many research-based programs, students are funded by extramural grant funds. Here’s what that means. PIs (Principal Investigators, or faculty researchers) write research proposals that describe new research that they’d like to conduct. In that proposal, the PI will include a budget. In the budget, we include everything we think we’d need to complete the proposed work successfully: supplies and equipment, but also personnel. We can include graduate student stipend, health insurance, and tuition for graduate students as part of this budget, as well as travel for the student to complete field work or attend scientific conferences. If the proposal is selected for funding (often only a 10-25% chance), the PI can then advertise a funded position to bring on a graduate student to conduct the research.


    The great news about this model is that many graduate students on funded projects do not need to take out loans during their graduate degrees. The unfortunate news is that with this funding model, it is essentially impossible for many PIs (myself included) to accept a graduate student without having a grant recently awarded. At the University of Vermont, MS students make about ~$32,000 per year. To bring on a MS student for two years, that means I need to have received a grant for at least $94,000 (beyond the stipend, we also must cover 36 credits of tuition and the student’s health insurance). Wow, expensive, right? To make matters more complicated, most universities collect a percentage (called the “indirect”, “overhead”, or “F&A rate”) of each grant awarded to put towards the immense costs of keeping the university running (e.g., operating and maintaining buildings and grounds, supporting administrative services, etc.). At UVM, the indirect rate varies from 15-56%, meaning that instead of $83,000 to support a MS student for two years, I really need somewhere between $100,000 and $130,000 to be able to advertise a MS position (and more like $180-250K for a 4-year Ph.D. position). For this reason, I cannot accept students unless I have recently received a grant or the student has received a grant themselves (e.g., NSF GRFP).


    What is a TA versus an RA?

    A teaching assistantship (TA) and a research assistantship (RA) are two different ways of funding a graduate student. They are sometimes combined. When teaching, part or all of the graduate stipend and tuition costs are covered by the university in exchange for your teaching services. This can save grant funds and can allow a PI to create a full funding package for a student when grant funds aren't available to cover an entire graduate degree. TAing can also offer valuable experience to students who have an interest in learning more about teaching. Teaching, however, does take time (between 10-20 hours weekly at UVM, depending on your appointment) and can therefore reduce the total amount of time that you have to work on your research project. I strive to have MS students teach in no more than 1 semester and Ph.D. students teach in no more than two semesters for this reason. Be a bit cautious of projects funded solely on TAships - they often do not come with funding for summer months and can also mean that you need to add a semester or year to your graduation timeline. I suggest asking lots of questions to the PI and to other graduate students if considering a heavy teaching load during graduate school.


    I'll be adding more to this section - please check back soon!



    Read about Anura, the lonely boreal toad, by clicking here.

    Doing nothing is a decision, too - read about taking action despite uncertainty to save amphibians.

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    Why teach?

    Communication is the final step of the scientific method, and I take this step seriously. If our science does not become relevant to others, how can we expect to live in a world where nature is understood, valued, and preserved?


    At the University of Vermont, I teach or have taught Principles of Wildlife Management (WFB174), Conservation Biology (WFB224), Field Herpetology (WFB141), Herpetology (WFB 195), and Ecology, Ecosystems, and Environment (NR 103).


    In addition to publishing findings, presenting at meetings, and teaching undergraduate students, I strive to connect science with diverse groups of people, ranging from undergraduate students to policy-makers to children. I'm a proud Letters to a Pre-Scientist and Skype-a-Scientist volunteer.

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    I've completed a portfolio as part of the Teaching Certificate Program through The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) at Colorado State University. Check it out to see my teaching philosophy, mentoring philosophy, and sample course materials.

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    Teaching Experience

    This July I'll be teaching a course in occupancy estimation at the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation. If you're interested or have questions, get in touch!


    I have served as the primary instructor for a senior-level capstone course in Wildlife Data Collection and Analysis during CSU's semester abroad program in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.


    In addition, I have taught or co-taught several workshops:

    - Introduction to R at the annual Wildlife Society meeting (2017 and 2018)

    - Program MARK workshops w/Gary White across the country (2014-2017)


    I've served as a TA and partial instructor for the following classes at Colorado State University:

    FW661: Sampling and Analysis of Vertebrate Populations

    FW370: Design of Fish and Wildlife Projects

    FW471: Wildlife Data Collection and Analysis



    I look forward to hearing from you!

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